What Are The Causes of Hemorroids?

What are the Causes of HemorrhoidsIf your colorectal surgeon has recently diagnosed you with hemorrhoids, then you will probably also have been given some advice about how to treat them.  Many will heal without the need for further intervention, either from you or your doctor, although some may need additional treatments.  You will be able to discuss the severity of your condition and the treatment options at your next appointment with your hemorrhoid specialist.

There are several different reasons why hemorrhoids might develop, such as an increase of pressure in the lower part of the abdomen, especially the colon, rectum and anus.  This pressure causes the veins to swell, which leads to the production of the hemorrhoids.  The pressure can be caused by:

  • Being overweight or obese.  Excess weight is one of the primary causes of hemorrhoids, so if your weight is higher than what would be considered healthy, it would be extremely advisable for you to start taking some steps to bring your weight back down.
  • Lack of exercise.  Exercise causes the digested material to move through the gastrointestinal tract more quickly, which means that you are less likely to experience the symptoms of constipation.  Constipation contributes considerably to the onset of hemorrhoids since it causes you to strain when trying to pass stool.  This straining applies even more pressure to the rectum and anus, which the veins are not able to deal with effectively.  This causes them to develop the swellings, which fill with blood and become hemorrhoids.  The more sedentary you are, especially if you spend the majority of your day sitting down, the greater the risk.
  • Pregnancy is one of the main causes of hemorrhoids, due to the presence of the fetus pressing on the internal organs, such as the rectum, as well as on the pelvic veins.  While not all pregnant women will develop hemorrhoids, a considerable number do.  The majority of these cases will usually resolve after the birth, because the pressure causing them will have been relieved.
  • Age is a factor that is often not considered for this condition.  However, as with many other disorders affecting the colon, rectum and anus, hemorrhoids are more commonly found in older adults.  This is because the supportive tissues lose some of their strength, and they are less able to cope with raised pressures in the body.  Therefore, problems such as hemorrhoids are more likely to occur.
  • Family history can also play a role.  If some of your close relatives have suffered repeatedly from hemorrhoids, then it is more likely that you will also experience the condition.

Some other factors can also affect your risk of developing hemorrhoids, such as the foods that you eat.  If your diet is low in fiber (you do not eat many fruits or vegetables), and if you are not drinking enough water, then you will probably develop constipation.  People with constipation are at a greater risk of developing hemorrhoids.  If you are concerned that you may develop this condition in the future, then you should book a consultation with your Los Angeles colorectal surgeon, who will be able to advise you further.  It would be useful to find out what your risk factors are, and how you can address these, which will make it less likely that hemorrhoids will develop in the future.